I photographed these high-mountain meadows (at about 9,500 feet) of wildflowers early this morning with my new iPhone 3Gs! The new iPhone is a great little 3MP camera, wire-less phone, and is my mobile connection to the Internet (my 21MP Canon 5D Mark II images will follow when I get time to process them ;-). The red flowers are Indian Paintbrush (Castilleja rhexifolia), and the prominent yellow flower you see in the picture below is called the "Little Sunflower" (Helianthella uniflora).
This meadow is in Albion Basin of the Wasatch-Cache National Forest, in Utah (Albion Basin is situated just above the Alta and Snowbird ski resorts, in the Wasatch Mountains).

We've had a lot of rain this spring, and this has been an unusually lush and verdant summer for wildflowers in the high mountains. I can't wait to get up there again. The temperatures are a cool 65 degrees (F.) in the shade, and about 80 degrees in the sun -- perfect weather!
By the way, one of the reasons people love Salt Lake City, is because of areas like this: "...one of Salt Lake City’s recreational havens, a multi-seasonal destination offering some of the best skiing, hiking, bike riding, tram rides, camping, and wildlife viewing in Utah – all within 15 miles of the city center." (Source: U.S. Forest Service Web site.)
You can also view my Flickr Photostream to see more of "My Vision."
Thanks for taking me there, truly beautiful.