Here's a continental breakfast still life of coffee, pastry, and fresh fruit that I photographed while on a cruise to Alaska. This image is my second attempt (see the first image below). I think the selective focus (with shallow depth of field) on the pastry makes for a more interesting shot.
I love to go on cruises. It's a truly relaxing vacation -- everything is taken care of for you! And, you have many choices for meals. I often will take the opportunity to photograph my food, or in this case, a friend's breakfast. The income from my stock photos helps to defray the cost of my travel (and I sometimes teach photography workshops on my cruises).
People around me may think I'm strange, photographing my food, but I try to always sit with my wife in a quiet corner where I won't cause a problem or draw too much attention. Photographing details and still lifes on a ship is a great opportunity for photography. Even simple food like this is usually beautifully prepared by the ship's staff, and there are often many elegant surfaces, backgrounds, and props sitting around to add to the ambiance.

My wife added the twisted blue napkin around the plate of fruit -- a very nice touch. (I think she also added the three crumbs to the side of the croissant.) However, I think our second shot (above) has a better mood, and has sold twice as often as a stock image. (Click on any image for a larger view.)
You can also view my Flickr Photostream to see more of "My Vision."
I went to a hotel next to generic viagra office, this hotel was colled international birds and I took a similar breakfast , so I liked it a lot because It was so continental and delicious.